The draft Culture Strategy for Scotland - Open for consultation.
The Scottish Government has launched a public consultation on a draft 'Culture Strategy for Scotland'.
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Following a Scottish Government commitment to develop A Culture Strategy for Scotland; engagement events were held with individuals, organisations and communities in 2017. The draft that is now open for consultation builds on the feedback gathered in that enagement.
"We want to hear from you about whether you think the draft strategy presents a firm foundation for sustaining culture into the future."
Section 4 of the strategy covers “Ambitions, Aims and Actions".
4.1 Draft strategy outline
4.2 Realising the vision and the role of government
4.3 Transforming through culture
4.4 Empowering through culture
4.5 Sustaining culture
Ambitions for each of these headlines are broken down further in the draft. From there the Scottish Government have stated aims and suggested actions to achieve them.
Culture Counts will gather input from members to respond to this consultation draft. Core Members of Culture Counts can register their place at our Consultation Event on Eventbrite.
The consultation closes on Wednesday 19 September 2018. Download the consultation paper here -