6:00 PM18:00

Cross Party Group: Culture and Communities

This event marks the second of our new series exploring ‘big ambitions for culture and communities’. In this meeting, we will delve more deeply into one of the themes that emerged from our open contributions during the February 2025 Cross Party Group.

This meeting will take place in a hybrid format - in person in the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh and online via Zoom.

Please save the date - tickets and more details coming soon.

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10:00 AM10:00

Core Members' meeting

Join us for our next Core Members meeting, to come together as a network of representative bodies across the arts, creative industries and heritage sector in Scotland. Our next in-person meeting will take place Thursday 20th March, 10am-1pm (followed by lunch 1-2pm), at the Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy. This meeting will focus on the theme 'Looking forward, looking outward', raising our gaze to consider what an aspirational vision for the future for the sector in Scotland might look like.

Please book a ticket to attend - meeting open to all core members of Culture Counts.

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6:00 PM18:00

Culture and Communities Cross Party Group

The purpose of the Culture & Communities Group is to encourage the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. The group will focus on the impact of the public sector, for example the social, health and educational impact of access and participation in the arts, heritage, libraries and museums.

In a new series of meetings commencing February 2025, this group will explore "big ambitions for culture and communities in Scotland". The meeting will be held online, via Zoom, and you can book a ticket here.

To kick off our discussions and inspire our imaginations, we're thrilled that we'll be joined for this event by Scotland's new Makar, Pàdraig MacAoidh (Peter Mackay). We’ll then invite all attendees to share their one-minute 'big ideas' for an aspirational, effective and ambitious vision of how culture and communities might work together as we look to the future. From there, we'll analyse key emerging themes and areas of interest to focus and prioritise CPG meetings in Summer and Autumn 2025.

If you're unable to attend this meeting, your one-minute ‘big ideas’ can be shared in advance of the meeting to kathryn@culturecounts.scot. Submissions should be a maximum of 1 minute (for audio submissions) or no more than 150 words (for written contributions).

To attend this event you must first register as a member of the CPG, which you can do here.

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8:15 AM08:15

David Hume Institute: Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - February 2025 Insights

  • The Phoenix Group, Standard Life House (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Culture Counts’ Director, Kathryn Welch, will be a guest speaker at this event, which is organised independently by the David Hume Institute.

Join us to hear the latest economic insights from the quarterly survey of over 2000 people in Scotland. Scott Edgar, Senior Research Manager at the Diffley Partnership, will present the latest findings which track economic confidence and buying intentions over time, as well as helping us to understand and monitor economic attitudes and public opinion.

The insights will be from new data, that will be collected in the first week of February 2025.

Following Scott we will hear reflections on the new data from Gary Gillespie, Chief Economist for the Scottish Government and Kathryn Welch, Interim Director of Culture Counts.

The event is kindly hosted by The Phoenix Group.

Registration, breakfast and networking from 8.15am. Presentation and discussion commences promptly at 8.45am. The event will finish at 9.45am.

For those of you unable to make it along in person, please tune in online - register to the receive the link direct to you inbox. Please note that the livestream will commence at 8.45am.

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9:00 AM09:00

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

In January 2025, Culture Counts were invited to submit a response to inform the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee’s scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s budget regarding the culture spend. The Committee published their Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26: Funding for Culture on 11 October and, following the publication of the Scottish Budget: 2025-26, invited a submission from Culture Counts in response.

Our written evidence, and a video of Fiona Sturgeon Shea, Chair of Culture Counts Steering Group, giving evidence about this submission in person at Scottish Parliament, is available at https://culturecounts.scot/news/2025/1/6/scrutiny-of-culture-budget-submission-to-ceeac.

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12:00 PM12:00

Culture Counts Core Members' meeting

Join us online to come together as a network of representative bodies across the arts, creative industries and heritage sector in Scotland. This meeting will focus on the theme of 'now and next'. With the Scottish budget just announced, and political parties in the process of finalising their manifestos for the 2026 election, we'll create space to look ahead together at our shared priorities for protecting and developing the culture sector for the common good. There'll be time to share thoughts, meet others and hear from Culture Counts Steering Group members, and to feed into the next steps of our advocacy work.

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6:00 PM18:00

CPG Culture and Communities - Artists and Communities and AGM

We are delighted that the next meeting of the CPG - Culture and Communities continues in person at the Scottish Parliament. The Cross Party Group on Culture and Communities encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. Learn more about the group on our website here.

Convener: Foysol Choudhury MSP

Secretariat: Culture Counts

The past few weeks have seen our artists, performers, writers and producers deeply unsettled by threats to key funding. Whilst there is relief that these decisions have been reversed the focus of the next Cross Party Group will look at the impacts and vital work our artists do in our communities and what is at risk if this work is not valued, understood or supported. We will hear from four guest speakers, who will provide insights into their work in this area and what it means for our communities.


Virginia Radcliffe is Artistic Director/CEO of Licketyspit a charity whose vision is that child-centred, inclusive theatre and drama-led play become an integral part of children’s daily lives. They believe that theatre and drama can empower children, increase their capacity to flourish and support their wellbeing. Virginia is a theatre director and children’s playwright who began to specialise in early years theatre in the mid-90s, after an extensive career as an actor. She founded Licketyspit in 2004, after leading the pioneering Wee Stories Early Years Project. Her very popular children’s plays put early years children at the centre of large, inclusive audiences of 0-12 year-olds and adults. Virginia is a passionate advocate for the transformative power of theatre and performance to open up playworlds for children, families and early years professionals. Her work aims to empower children and nurture a more equal and flourishing society.

Vibrant and tactile, Laura Aldridge's work engages, indeed embraces, all our senses. Taking many forms and scales, her work derives from her deep-seated instinct for colour and texture, and from the knowing and intuitive approach she takes to making and to materials and their possibilities. Recent solo exhibitions include LAWNMOWER, Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh (2023); sumVIGOUR, Cample Line, Cample (2021); fromKStoyou, Kunsthalle Stavanger, Norway (2020 –2021). In addition to her own practice Laura works with Artlink, Edinburgh (who have a 40 year history of removing barriers to participation, supporting innovation in the arts in collaboration with disabled people and the systems that support them.) And is one of the founders and Lead Artists of Sculpture House - a long term artist run project in Ferguslie Park. The Sculpture House is being redeveloped to place the artists’ studios at the heart of the community with facilities and spaces that support a range of inclusive activities. It will provide opportunities for teaching and learning as well as new pathways to access the visual arts for those who may normally experience financial, cultural or other barriers. The goal is to work alongside community partners such as local residents, community Council, local schools and other council services.

Max Alexander from Play Radical is an artist, play worker and thinker. Max’s work centres play and connection with a particular focus on autistic, neurodivergent and disabled experiences. Max creates spaces for play using a mix of his skills as a maker, visual artist, writer, facilitator, communicator and play worker. These spaces might be short quiet pockets of time shared between just two people in a living room, in a park under some trees or in a nondescript room in a day centre playing with strange sounds, exploring tactile sensations, or engaging in slapstick repetitive imaginative play. They might be bigger installations with playable sculptures, dens, big bodily movement and raucous ever evolving games. They will often exist somewhere in between, but regardless of scale, time and who is in the room they tend to hold space for silliness and sincerity in equal regard. 

Raisah Ahmed is a Screenwriter and Director working across film and television and 2024 Screen International Rising Start Scotland. Currently developing feature 'Half-Moon Camp' with Producer Zorana Piggott and Film4, and adapting Mahsuda Snaith's book 'The Things We Thought We Knew' with Mahsuda co-writing and Producer Shirine Best. Other credits include directing on CBBC’s 'Sparks', 'Princess Mirror-Belle' and 'Molly & Mack’, BBC3’s 'The Break' and writing on BBC The Social’s award winning phone drama 'Control' and WB Discovery animated series ’Toad and Friends'. She was in the writers room for Season 1 and 2 of CH4 Series ‘We Are Lady Parts’. She is currently adapting Martin Sixsmith’s ‘Ayesha’s Gift’ for television with Freedom Scripted, on which she’s also an EP, as well as developing ’Nur’ a 6-part original romcom for television with Channel X Hopscotch. Raisah is on the BAFTA Scotland Committee, the Scottish Youth Film Foundation Board, and chairs the Glasgow Film Festival Industry Advisory Group.

There will be an opportunity for group members, guests and MSPs to ask our presenters questions and we will also have time for a general discussion.

This meeting will also incorporate the AGM of the Cross Party Group - Culture and Communities.


You must be a member of the CPG Culture and Communities to attend. If you are not a member then please join the group here. Booking information will then be sent out to you directly via that mailing list. If you have any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact us via the details below.


This is an in-person event however we are hoping to make an online option available. If you would like to join us online, you will be able to register for an online ticket and joining details will be sent to you on the morning of the event. Any issues please contact us via the details below.

Contact details:

If you have any questions about the event, the Cross Party Group, or any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact Lori Anderson: lori@culturecounts.scot

Please sign up to the CPGs here, and booking information will be sent out to you directly via that mailing list.

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1:15 PM13:15

Festival of Politics - Think local, act global? - international cultural ambition in perilous times

This year's Festival of Politics 2024 will take place from Monday 19 to Friday 23 August.

The Cross Party Group - Culture and Communities is delighted to host an event in the programme: Think local, act global? - international cultural ambition in perilous times

With the publication of the Scottish Government's International Culture Strategy and the international audiences and artists attracted to Edinburgh's Festivals the event will bring together a panel to consider how can Scotland’s culture sector fulfil its global ambitions during unpredictable times?

Think local, act global? - international cultural ambition in perilous times

  • Friday 23 August 2024

  • 1:15 - 2:45pm

  • Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh (online unavailable)

  • Tickets: £7.50 full price and £5 concession

Working on the global stage allows Scotland to showcase its creativity and wield influence. However, in a world grappling with post-pandemic challenges, Brexit repercussions, climate crises and shrinking budgets, international working is increasingly difficult.


Alex Reedijk OBE FRC joined Scottish Opera as general director in February 2006, following four years at the helm of The NBR New Zealand Opera. Prior to that he was executive director of the New Zealand International Festival of the Arts. He is currently acting chair of the Citizens Theatre and Chair of Beacon Arts Centre, Greenock.

Dr Anthony Schrag is a practicing artist and researcher, and reader at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. His work examines the role of art in participatory and public contexts, with a specific focus on social conflict, agonism and ethics. He is published widely and known for his use of creative practice research methods.

Dr Lynne J Hocking is chair of Applied Arts Scotland SCIO (AAS), a membership organisation run by professional craft practitioners to support the making community in Scotland. AAS deliver projects where knowledge sharing and craft thinking explore ideas around sustainability and identity as they relate to local and global concerns.

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6:00 PM18:00

CPG Culture and Communities - Cultural Democracy

Please note booking for this event closes at 1800 on Tuesday 27 February

We are delighted that the next meeting of the CPG - Culture and Communities continues in person at the Scottish Parliament. The Cross Party Group on Culture and Communities encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. Learn more about the group on our website here.

Convener: Foysol Choudhury MSP

Secretariat: Culture Counts

With increasing interest in local decision making, the ongoing Local Governance Review and Democracy Matters conversations, the CPG will focus on Cultural Democracy.  We will hear from three guest speakers, who will provide insights into their work in this area and what it means for our cultural communities.


Pauline Smith is the Chief Executive of Development Trusts Association Scotland, an independent, member-led organisation which aims to promote, support and represent development trusts in Scotland. DTA Scotland now has over 350 development trust members – community-led organisations using a combination of enterprise and creativity to improve the quality of life for local people in urban, rural and island communities across Scotland.  DTAS also provides help and support to community enterprises through it's Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) and the Community Shares Scotland programmes. Pauline will provide an overview of the recent Scottish Government work around Democracy Matters and the role of DTAS in this.

Lewis Hou is founder and Director of Science Ceilidh, an intermediate organisation making connections between communities, education, research and culture across Scotland. Lewis is passionate about engagement approaches that put people first, challenge institutional hierarchies and disciplinary silos, and supports social justice. One of their current projects is the Culture and Well-being Community Network Scotland. Through free community focused monthly discussions, it aims to support conversations across sectors, from grassroots individuals to larger institutions and pool insights, challenges and resources together on a practical level to support cultural democracy in Scotland, fundamentally valuing and celebrating everyone's culture and well-being.

Helen Trew is Co-Director of Art27, made up of artists and activists that take their mission from Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freely participate in the culture of their community. They see cultural rights as indivisible from human rights and a driver of citizenship and democracy. Helen is originally from Belfast, where her lived experience of the Conflict instilled a commitment to arts activism in peacebuilding. She is an experienced cultural producer and practitioner over 25yrs in theatre, film, museums & heritage and multi-arts socially engaged projects. She is a specialist in equalities, diversity and inclusion, most recently with the public body for arts, screen and creative industries, Creative Scotland. She trained in theatre performance at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, and in Film at Napier University Edinburgh. Helen is also ex Director and now Board member for Just Festival and Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts Scotland.

There will be an opportunity for group members, guests and MSPs to ask our presenters questions and we will also have time for a general discussion.


You must be a member of the CPG Culture and Communities to attend. If you are not a member then please join the group here. Booking information will then be sent out to you directly via that mailing list. If you have any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact us via the details below.


This is an in-person event however we are hoping to make an online option available. If you would like to join us online, you will be able to register for an online ticket and joining details will be sent to you on the morning of the event. Any issues please contact us via the details below.

Contact details:

If you have any questions about the event, the Cross Party Group, or any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact Lori Anderson: lori@culturecounts.scot

Please sign up to the CPGs here, and booking information will be sent out to you directly via that mailing list.

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6:00 PM18:00

CPG Creative Economy - the creative workforce

We are delighted that the next meeting of the CPG - Creative Economy returns in person at the Scottish Parliament. The Cross Party Group on Creative Economy encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. Learn more about the group on our website here.

Convener: Claire Baker MSP

Secretariat: Culture Counts

At a time of considerable change, standstill budgets and the continued ’perfect storm’ for the culture sector, these challenges are impacting on our people, cultural workers and freelancers.

This meeting of the group will focus on the culture sector as a creative workforce and we will hear from three guest speakers, who will provide an overview of the current issues and experiences.


Irene Kernan joined Craft Scotland in 2018. Craft Scotland is the national development agency for contemporary craft in Scotland, supporting makers and promoting craft. Previously, she was Director of Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop where she oversaw the development of a major capital project to create a new purpose-built sculpture facility. In that role she also set up Scotland’s Workshops, a national network of 11 open access visual art production facilities spanning sculpture, print-making, film and glass. Before that Irene worked in the theatre sector in Dublin, at Dublin Theatre Festival and for the independent theatre company, Bedrock Productions, which established the Dublin Fringe Festival. The recently published Craft Sector Report provides an analysis of the current craft landscape.

Heather Parry is a Glasgow-based writer, editor and publisher. She is the author of two books of fiction with a nonfiction book forthcoming. She is the editorial director of Extra Teeth magazine and co-created the free-access Illustrated Freelancer’s Guide with artist Maria Stoian. She works for the Society of Authors, a trade union for writers. 

Janie Nicoll is Campaigns and Project Manager for Scottish Artist’s Union. (SAU is a registered Scottish Union for artists which believes that artists should be valued as the root of creativity in our communities and in wider society. Value starts with recognition of artists as creative and highly trained individuals whose skills and experience underpin ALL arts programmes, organisations, infrastructures and activities.) Janie is also a visual artist with a socially engaged as well as a studio based practice. She graduated with a first class honours degree in Painting from Edinburgh College of Art, and a Masters of Fine Art (MFA) from Glasgow School of Art. Working across a range of media she is interested in making artworks out-with regular gallery spaces and exploring possibilities created through collaboration or interaction with other people. Janie has exhibited nationally and internationally.


You must be a member of the CPG Creative Economy to attend. If you are not a member then please join the group here. Booking information will then be sent out to you directly.


This is an in-person event however we plan to make an online option available. If you would like to join us online, you will be able to register for an online ticket and joining details will be sent to you on the morning of the event. Any issues please contact us via the details below.

Contact details:

If you have any questions about the event, the Cross Party Group, or any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact Lori Anderson: lori@culturecounts.scot

Please sign up to the CPGs here, and booking information will be sent out to you directly

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6:00 PM18:00

CPG Culture and Communities - impacts of local budget cuts

We are delighted that the next meeting of the CPG - Culture and Communities returns in person at the Scottish Parliament. The Cross Party Group on Culture and Communities encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. Learn more about the group on our website here.

Convener: Foysol Choudhury MSP

Secretariat: Culture Counts

Whilst much attention has recently been focused on Scottish Government support for culture the picture in Local Authorities is also a cause for concern.

This meeting of the group will focus on the culture sector and the impacts of local authority cuts at a community level. We will hear from three guest speakers, who will provide an overview of the current issues and experiences of our cultural communities.


Robin Strang is the Chair of Community Leisure Scotland, (Community Leisure UK is the members’ association that specialises in representing charitable leisure and culture trusts across England, Scotland and Wales). Robin was previously Chief Executive of West Lothian Leisure and Chief Executive of Manchester Sport and Leisure Trust. He is also a Board member of OSCR and Scottish Canals. As Local Authorities are preparing their budgets, Community Leisure UK is currently working with its members to further understand the challenges that culture and leisure trusts are facing with decreasing budgets and how this is impacting cultural services and their creative communities.

David McDonald is Scotland Policy and Partnerships Coordinator for Creative Lives (Creative Lives supports and champions community and volunteer-led creative activity, and works to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative.) David spent 15 years in elected office, holding senior political roles in Glasgow City Council and served as the Chair of Glasgow Life, the UK's largest cultural trust, helping to shape cultural and creative opportunities ranging from international festivals and events to supporting community activity. David is passionate about the power of communities, he is a Community Education graduate of the University of Strathclyde and has worked in the community, third and non-governmental sectors in Scotland and across Europe. He is on the board of Glasgow Film Theatre and is chair of painting Pollok a community arts and mural project.

Alison Reeves is Deputy CEO and Manager, Scotland at Making Music. (Making Music is the UK’s membership organisation for leisure time music, with around 3,850 groups representing around 228,000 music makers across the UK. They are dedicated to empowering everyone, whatever their background or experience to come together in their community to make or present music). Alison leads on access and inclusion and supports lobbying and advocacy work. She has been the Manager in Scotland since 2016, and also delivers UK online events. She plays the fiddle, mostly for ceilidh dancing.

There will be an opportunity for group members, guests and MSPs to ask our presenters questions and we will also have time for a general discussion.


You must be a member of the CPG Culture and Communities to attend. If you are not a member then please join the group here. Booking information will then be sent out to you directly.


This is an in-person event however we are hoping to make an online option available. If you would like to join us online, you will be able to register for an online ticket and joining details will be sent to you on the morning of the event. Any issues please contact us via the details below.

Contact details:

If you have any questions about the event, the Cross Party Group, or any access requirements to enable your attendance, please contact Lori Anderson: lori@culturecounts.scot

Please sign up to the CPGs here, and booking information will be sent out to you directly

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Age discrimination in the culture sector (online)
10:00 AM10:00

Age discrimination in the culture sector (online)

This is a meeting of the equality diversity and inclusion co-learning working group. If you would like to be part of the group please get in touch.

A collaborative investigation into age discrimination in the culture sector, how it shows up and how we work together to make changes.

Register now on Eventbrite.

We're working with Luminate and Age Scotland to organise an event taking a deep look into the issues around Age Discrimination within the culture sector.

What does it mean for audiences, employees and for those who produce work?

This event is the first of a series of events which will look into all areas of protected characteristics within the Equality Act 2010.

Expect to:

  • Listen to experts

  • Participate in individual and group tasks, set by those who have been discriminated against

  • Spend time considering what changes can be made in your organisation

Help Culture Counts build an online advisory note for all cultural organisations in relation to Age Discrimination

We hope you can make it. We all need to take some time out to look into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. We're hoping our events will provide a reason to get away from the desk, meet new people, catch up with friends and collectively work together to improve the sector.

We'll have refreshments available throughout the day and lunch will be provided. Please let joseph@culturecounts.scot know of any dietary requirements.

If you have any access requirements or other general requirements that we can arrange to support your access and participation in the event, please contact joseph@culturecounts.scot

Participating in the group is voluntary. Funding for the EDI working group comes from members subscriptions, Creative Scotland and from Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

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Age discrimination in the culture sector
9:30 AM09:30

Age discrimination in the culture sector

This is a meeting of the equality diversity and inclusion co-learning working group. If you would like to be part of the group please get in touch.

A collaborative investigation into age discrimination in the culture sector, how it shows up and how we work together to make changes.

Register now on Eventbrite.

We're working with Luminate and Age Scotland to organise an event taking a deep look into the issues around Age Discrimination within the culture sector.

What does it mean for audiences, employees and for those who produce work?

This event is the first of a series of events which will look into all areas of protected characteristics within the Equality Act 2010.

Expect to:

  • Listen to experts

  • Participate in individual and group tasks, set by those who have been discriminated against

  • Spend time considering what changes can be made in your organisation

Help Culture Counts build an online advisory note for all cultural organisations in relation to Age Discrimination

We hope you can make it. We all need to take some time out to look into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. We're hoping our events will provide a reason to get away from the desk, meet new people, catch up with friends and collectively work together to improve the sector.

We'll have refreshments available throughout the day and lunch will be provided. Please let joseph@culturecounts.scot know of any dietary requirements.

If you have any access requirements or other general requirements that we can arrange to support your access and participation in the event, please contact joseph@culturecounts.scot

Participating in the group is voluntary. Funding for the EDI working group comes from members subscriptions, Creative Scotland and from Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

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10:00 AM10:00

Core Members: Local Elections and Culture Investment

Culture Counts welcomes our core members to Adelaide Place, Glasgow to discuss Local Elections and Culture Investment

About this event

Tea/coffee & lunch provided


• Culture Counts Strategy

• Local Elections Analysis

• Supporting Local Culture Conveners

• Percentage for Arts Scheme

• Transient Visitor Levy

If you would like to invite any non-member stakeholders, please give joseph@culturecounts.scot a note of their email address and we'll send them a booking link.

If you have any dietary requirements, access requirements or other general requirements that we can arrange to support your access and participation in the event, please contact joseph@culturecounts.scot

We're looking forward to seeing you at our first in person meeting in 2-years!

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Initial Meeting: Equality Diversity and Inclusion Co-Learning Working Group
10:00 AM10:00

Initial Meeting: Equality Diversity and Inclusion Co-Learning Working Group

This is an initial, informal meeting to discuss ideas, outcomes, concerns and hopes for the network (almost like a steering group for the work).

The EDI Co-learning Working Group is designed to highlight best practice, innovate, and explore how to make improvements in equality, diversity, and inclusion, by working and learning together in a supportive environment.

About this event (there are two options):

Online event: 10:00-11:00am Friday 22 April, Via Zoom

In-person event: 13:00-15:30pm Friday 22 April, Mackintosh at the Willow, Glasgow

If you have any access requirements or other general requirements that we can arrange to support your access and participation in the event, please contact joseph@culturecounts.scot

Participating in the group is voluntary. Funding for the EDI working group comes from members subscriptions, Creative Scotland and from Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

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Game On: Supporting Scotland's Games Industry
7:00 PM19:00

Game On: Supporting Scotland's Games Industry

The Cross Party Group on Creative Economy encourages the exchange of ideas and learning around the development and support of the future creative economy. The group will consider support for creative economy in Scotland, exploring barriers to success and highlighting any potential solutions.

This meeting of the group will focus on the Scottish Games Industry.

Speakers TBC

MSP Members of the group are:

  • Claire Baker MSP (Convener)

  • Sarah Boyack MSP

  • Foysol Choudhury MSP

  • Maurice Golden MSP

  • Michael Marra MSP

  • Jenni Minto (Deputy Convener)

  • Mercedes Villalba MSP

  • Beatrice Wishart MSP

PS We're not allowed back in the Parliament yet, though once we are, we aim for you to be able to choose to attend in person or online.


Registration is now open to members on Eventbrite.

Cross-Party Groups are open to anyone in the sector; if you have not signed up already, here’s the membership form.

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Communities' Cultural Recovery
7:00 PM19:00

Communities' Cultural Recovery

The Cross Party Group on Culture & Communities encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding between the Scottish Parliament and arts, culture, heritage, and historic environment communities. Registration is open to Members of the CPG. If you’d like to learn more about joining, visit our CPG webpage.

Convenor: Sarah Boyack MSP

Secretariat: Culture Counts

This first meeting of the group will focus on how culture has supported communities throughout Covid-19.

We have three guest speakers who will provide a snapshot of the amazing work that's been carried out in communities over the past 20 months.

  • Hazel Wotherspoon Toonspeak Young Peoples Theatre

  • David P Scott Freelance Artist and Photographer

  • Shona McCarthy Edinburgh Festival Fringe

There will be an opportunity for group members, guests and MSPs to ask our presenters questions and we will also have time for a general discussion.

MSP Members of the group are;

  • Clare Adamson MSP

  • Claire Baker MSP

  • Sarah Boyack MSP (Convenor)

  • Foysol Choudhury MSP

  • Michael Marra MSP

  • Jenni Minto MSP

  • Sue Webber MSP (Deputy Convenor)

If you would like to add anything to the agenda, please email jennifer@culturecounts.scot by Friday14 January if possible.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 19 January.

PS We're not allowed back in the Parliament yet, though once we are, we aim for you to be able to choose to attend in person or online.

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9:30 AM09:30

Core Members Meeting: Community Space

This meeting is for Core Members of Culture Counts and invited members of Senscot to discuss access to community space used for culture.

Many culture organisations use local buildings and spaces to deliver their work. Throughout the pandemic access to these spaces has changed. This results in impacts on production and participation.

This 1-hour meeting is for anyone facing these issues. We want to understand the current realities of working in local spaces. The information we gather in this meeting will inform future advocacy work.

Core Members have been emailed joining instructions. If you have any questions please get in touch.

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Core Members Meeting: Office for Cultural Exchange
9:30 AM09:30

Core Members Meeting: Office for Cultural Exchange

Registration now open on Eventbrite: https://officeforculturalexchange.eventbrite.co.uk

This event is for Core Members of Culture Counts.

Both the UK Government and the Scottish Government have shown an interest in an Office for Cultural Exchange, though neither have made any firm commitments. This Core Members meeting allows us to outline the purpose and ambition of an Office for Cultural Exchange.

The Office for Cultural Exchange was an idea explored in our Crowd Sourced Manifesto work last year. There's more information in the 'Brexit' ask of our manifesto here. https://culturecounts.scot/cultural-manifesto-2021#brexit


Expect break-out groups and some off-camera individual working time too.

If you have time to do any preparation

Have a think about aiming to simplify the complexity of trade and industry being devolved while culture is reserved. Which Governments should take on which remits to support the culture sector to mitigate against the impact of Brexit?

Joining Instructions

We're hosting this Core Members event on Zoom. For security reasons, the link will be sent to you by email a day or two in advance of the meeting.

Please let us of not of any access requirements on the booking form. Any other questions please contact andy@culturecounts.scot

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Culture Hustings 2021
10:00 AM10:00

Culture Hustings 2021


Culture Counts Culture Hustings on Friday 23 April 2021 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM). Registration now fully booked: culture-hustings-2021.eventbrite.co.uk

Promoted by Culture Counts, 30 Grindlay St, Edinburgh.

The Hustings Event will feature:

In alphabetical order:

  • Claire Baker (Labour)

  • Fiona Hyslop (SNP)

  • Fred Mackintosh (Lib Dem)

  • Kim Long (Greens)

  • Pam Gosal (Conservative)

Follow the conversation on twitter using #culturehustings

Register: culture-hustings-2021.eventbrite.co.uk

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#CPGCulture: Recovery from Covid-19
7:00 PM19:00

#CPGCulture: Recovery from Covid-19

The next meeting scheduled for the Cross Party Group on Culture is Wednesday 17 March 2021 (on Zoom) 7:00 PM-8:30 PM.

The proposed topic is 'Recovery from Covid-19'. If any members of the CPG on Culture think we should cover something-else or add something to the agenda please let us know. Contact andy@culturecounts.scot.

Registration details for the meeting will be sent to all members shortly.

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Scottish Parliament Election 2021 #CPGCULTURE
6:00 PM18:00

Scottish Parliament Election 2021 #CPGCULTURE

The next meeting of the Cross Party Group on Culture will be on the topic of the Scottish Parliament Election 2021. The meeting will take place on Zoom, on Tuesday 8 December from 6:00PM to 7.30PM.


  • 6:00 pm Welcome

  • 6.10 pm Minutes of the last meeting (to be approved and seconded)

  • 6.15 pm Party representative introduction)

  • 6.30 pm Party representative Top 3 on the Cultural Manifesto

  • 6.45 pm Open discussion, questions from members to politicians/ party representatives

  • 7.20 pm Date of next meeting (TBC)

  • 7.30 pm Close

Culture Counts is the secretariat of The Cross-Party Group on Culture (#CPGCulture). The group meets at least twice a year and is hosted by our Co-Convenors Joan McAlpine MSP and Maurice Golden MSP.


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A Cultural Manifesto for 2021: EVENT 2
9:00 AM09:00

A Cultural Manifesto for 2021: EVENT 2


This crowd-sourced manifesto event is organised by Culture Counts for anyone involved in the cultural sector.

Culture Counts are drafting a crowd-sourced Cultural Manifesto; we’re planning to use this to encourage political parties to make good decisions about cultural policy in their own manifestos for the upcoming Scottish Parliamentary Elections in May 2021.

We're running two Manifesto Events for anyone involved in the cultural sector (arts, screen, heritage & creative industries). You can book to attend both days. You can also choose to be part of specific 'Strands' of the meetings, rather than be on Zoom for the full day. Whatever best suits your availability, and interests. (Zoom links are sent the day before the event for security reasons.)

Based on the information we gather we’ll draft the Cultural Manifesto in early October and if you’ve participated at all you’ll get the opportunity to give us feedback and to make any final edits.

We know that a lot can happen in a short space of time, so in December we’ll ask you again if you have any final Asks; which we’ll bring to the attention of political parties in early January.

More information on Eventbrite.

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A Cultural Manifesto for 2021 #CPGCulture
5:30 PM17:30

A Cultural Manifesto for 2021 #CPGCulture


The next Cross Party Group on Culture meeting 'A Cultural Manifesto for 2021' will take place on Tuesday 15th September 2020 from 5:30 pm. Our meetings are invite-only on Eventbrite to guarantee spaces for the Group’s Members. You need to register using the link in your email invitation.

If you would like to join the Cross Party Group on Culture you can read more information here. If you would like to attend as an invited guest, just email andy@culturecounts.scot. We usually have space for invited guests. Please note, guests will not have voting rights at our AGM.

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A Cultural Manifesto for 2021: EVENT 1
9:00 AM09:00

A Cultural Manifesto for 2021: EVENT 1


This crowd-sourced manifesto event is organised by Culture Counts for anyone involved in the cultural sector.

Culture Counts are drafting a crowd-sourced Cultural Manifesto; we’re planning to use this to encourage political parties to make good decisions about cultural policy in their own manifestos for the upcoming Scottish Parliamentary Elections in May 2021.

We're running two Manifesto Events for anyone involved in the cultural sector (arts, screen, heritage & creative industries). You can book to attend both days. You can also choose to be part of specific 'Strands' of the meetings, rather than be on Zoom for the full day. Whatever best suits your availability, and interests. (Zoom links are sent the day before the event for security reasons.)

Based on the information we gather we’ll draft the Cultural Manifesto in early October and if you’ve participated at all you’ll get the opportunity to give us feedback and to make any final edits.

We know that a lot can happen in a short space of time, so in December we’ll ask you again if you have any final Asks; which we’ll bring to the attention of political parties in early January.

More information on Eventbrite.

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Core Members: The Culture Strategy in Light of COVID-19
10:00 AM10:00

Core Members: The Culture Strategy in Light of COVID-19


We're changing the way we're holding the Core Members' meeting by splitting workshops into three different discussions held a month or two apart this year. You can contribute to the discussions through email in your own time, by joining a live meeting on Zoom - or both!

The first discussion will focus on re-visiting the ‘summary of actions’ (page 52) within the Culture Strategy in light of COVID-19. It is important we don't lose sight of our contributions to the strategy, the government's commitments to our sector and our commitment to others in Scotland's cultural ecosystem. We'd like to explore which of our recommendations feel like a priority now, ways in which we can demonstrate our value during the pandemic and think about how we might help heal people and communities after lock down.

We'll be guiding you through some questions and discussion points that will help reframe the Culture Strategy in current circumstances and look ahead to possible futures.

Let us know if you would like to contribute to the conversation in your own time by email or if you'd like to join an online meeting via Zoom on Thursday May 7th.

To join via Zoom, register a place on this Eventbrite page on we will forward you the Zoom link later.

To contribute in my own time, click below, or email andy@culturecounts.scot

The Zoom meeting will be two hours and will consist of full group discussion and breakout room discussions. Those who can join with audio and the ability to see a screen will get the most out of the online session.

If you have not used Zoom before or if you're not confident with it, our facilitator Leah Lockhart is happy to walk you through how it works. Let us know if you'd like an intro to Zoom and we'll pass your contact details to Leah.

Click here to let us know if you’d like an introduction to Zoom meeting.


Culture Counts

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Core Members Meeting: November 2019
9:30 AM09:30

Core Members Meeting: November 2019

culture counts,arts,screen,heritage,creative industries,culture,cultural policy,arts policy,research,policy research,sustainable development goals,Scotland,scottish theatre,scottish art,scottish film,creative scotland,cross party group on culture,cu…

Culture Counts welcomes our Core Members to CodeBase Stirling.


9:30AM - Registration / Networking (tea/coffee & breakfast snacks provided)

9:55AM - Event begins

10:00AM - Lightning Talks

• Scottish Enterprise (Supporting Creative Industries)

• Creative Scotland (Supporting Creative Industries)

• Scottish Contemporary Arts Network (Sharing from Art-in-Action)

• Creative Carbon Scotland (Climate Change Bill)

• Historic Environment Scotland (Data)

• Code-Base Creative Bridge Programme tbc

11:15AM - Coffee Break

11:30AM - Cultural Data – policy making group work 1

12:30PM - Lunch (provided)

13:15PM – Cultural Data – policy making group work 2

14:15PM – Culture Counts Brexit & Scottish Planning Bill Update(s)

14:30PM – Kate Wimpress; Co-convener Citizens Assembly Scotland

15:00PM – Close

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Collaborative Culture: Meeting The Challenges of Person-Centered Healthcare
5:30 PM17:30

Collaborative Culture: Meeting The Challenges of Person-Centered Healthcare

CPG Collborative Culture Banner Oct19@2x.png


  • Dr Daisy Fancourt - University College London

  • Clare Cook - SPRING Social Prescribing

  • Kevin Harrison - Artlink Central

The Cross Party Group on Culture, hosted by our convenor Joan McAlpine MSP, will take place on Tuesday 8 October at 17:30-20:00PM, at The Scottish Storytelling Centre (Edinburgh).

This meeting will incorporate the Group's AGM. Please note a change of venue to the The Scottish Storytelling Centre.


  • 17:30-18:00: Networking & Refreshments (includes live piano music from Tom from ‘Pianos on Prescription’)

  • 18:00-18:15 AGM: Re-election of Office Bearers

  • 18:20-19:05: Guest Speakers

  • 19:10-20:00 Open Discussion

Guest Speakers

  • Dr Daisy Fancourt - University College London

  • Clare Cook – Spring Social Prescribing

  • Kevin Harrison - Artlink Central

To give priority of booking to members, we send out the Eventbrite link to the members list before we promote the event online. If you would like to join the CPG on Culture as a member organisation or as an individual please contact andy@culturecounts.scot.

Get involved on social media using #CPGCulture!


Anyone can join the #CPGCulture. Members have voting rights at our AGM, and are listed on the Scottish Parliament Website. To learn more about joining click here.

Come along to a meeting

If you’re not a member, but would like to attend our next meeting, just email Andy (andy@culturecounts.scot) and we’ll check there’s still space. We always have ‘Invited Guests’ along who are interested in specific topics.

CPG Banner Blue Oct19@2x-20.jpg
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City Deals: Cultural Cities & Local Resilience #CPGCulture
5:30 PM17:30

City Deals: Cultural Cities & Local Resilience #CPGCulture

The Topic of the next Cross Party Group on Culture will be 'City Deals: Cultural Cities & Local Resilience.'. We have interesting speakers to share ideas and experiences from being involved in City Deals. 



5.30pm Announcements from CPG 11th Dec Cultural Freelancers 
5.40pm Introduction to discussion and panellists
5.45pm Short-Film from Arts and Business Scotland 
5.55pm Panellist Anna Young - Glasgow Canal Project 
6.05pm Panellist Julie Farr – Dundee Social Enterprise Network 
6.15pm Panellist Dame Seona Reid – Cultural Cities Inquiry. 
6.30pm Skye Eco-Museum Short-Film 
6.40pm Open discussion, including group members 
7.30pm Confirm Group Actions (if any) 
7.40pm Date of Next Meeting 1st Oct 2019 (incorporating the AGM) 
7.45pm Close



Members of the Cross Party Group receive notification of events by email. You can see the current membership on the Scottish Parliament website. If you would like to join, please contact Andy andy@culturecounts.scot. Membership is open to all.

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Core Members Meeting - Policy Design (Feb 19)
10:30 AM10:30

Core Members Meeting - Policy Design (Feb 19)

  • Buchanan Suite, The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Culture Counts members meet twice a year at Core Members Meetings. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 27 February 2019 at The Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. This event is invite only, for Core Members of Culture Counts. If you can't attend, but know a colleague who would like to come along, please email Andy andy@culturecounts.scot



10:30AM - Scottish Government Climate Adaptation Plan.

11:00AM - Visa Policy: Collaborative Build Policy Workshop: Help design the Visa system that our sector needs.

13:30PM - Norway: Morten Jgelten Director of the Association of Norwegian Orchestras and Theatres shares information. How to work with the EU as a non-member state?

2:45PM - Facilitated collaborative policy experiment. The Active Scotland Framework; could this work for Culture alongside the National Performance Framework? 

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