Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee - Business Support Inquiry
The Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee has launched an inquiry on business support would like to hear your views. With a particular focus on Business Gateway.
Image © Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
It is ten years since local authorities were given responsibility for running local Business Gateway services. During that period many creative and cultural practitioners and organisations have started businesses. Some as sole traders, others as larger operations.
Businesses at start up stage, and at crucial points of development, need support and advice. Creative and cultural enterprises find support in networks, clusters and sector specific development organisations. But the main channel for local support in the last decade, has come through Business Gateway.
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"... the Committee wants to hear the views and experiences of as many people, businesses and organisations as possible."
The Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee has launched an inquiry on business support and would like to hear your views. The remit of the inquiry is:
“To understand the range of support services available to new and existing small and medium sized businesses at a local level across Scotland, with a particular focus on Business Gateway. The Committee will evaluate current provision and explore ways of ensuring businesses receive the support they need to grow and succeed.”
Culture Counts are encouraging cultural organisations and practitioners to share the specific needs of our sector. There are two ways to make a submission to the enquiry:
1. Complete the Committee's Survey
The Committee has launched a survey asking about support. The survey closes on Friday 10 August. This option is probably best suited for individual cultural practitioners and creative industries sole traders.
2. Call For Views
The call for written views will close on Friday 10th August. This option is probably more suited to cultural organisations, SME's, sector networks and development bodies. Written responses should be sent in the template format available on the committee's webpage. They should be no more than four sides of A4.
The Committee intends to take evidence in Autumn 2018 and report to Parliament thereafter. Read more on the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee webpage.
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