Culture Counts - Our submission to Scottish Government Culture Strategy Consultation
Culture Counts hosted a consultation event at the Epworth Halls, 25 Nicholson Square, Edinburgh on Thursday 30th August 2018.
We gathered input and opinion from Culture Counts’ Core Members to form a response to the Scottish Government’s Draft Culture Strategy.
The outcomes from the event have been pulled together in our Report - Culture Counts Response to the Draft For Consultation. Read the Overview below or download the full PDF Report.
“It is the general view that whilst the Culture Strategy for Scotland Draft for Consultation is an analysis of the sector which outlines sector challenges, needs, potential aims, ambitions and actions; it is not yet a fully developed strategy with clarity on actions and responsibilities.
It has been useful to respond to the draft strategy at this stage; enabling us to provide ideas and insight into how we think the aims, ambitions and actions can be achieved. Further consultation may need to take place on the strategy itself.
We appreciate the leap that the Scottish Government is taking in terms of shared responsibility for delivery; though clear lines of responsibility and accountability are a useful way to show how we get from A to B, or ‘who does what and by when’. We hope to be able to see more structure in the final draft. Furthermore, heritage, natural and historic environment are a vital part of the cultural sector in Scotland and should feature more clearly in the final draft.
We warmly welcome the draft strategy’s recognition that culture has much to offer other areas of government, and of the need to ensure that culture is placed at the heart of decision-making far beyond the culture department itself.”
“Innovation does not come from short term projects; you need to invest in long term production not a little here and there, that will not work.”
“Could we establish a kind of ‘Culture Proofing’ similar to ‘Island Proofing’?”
“To develop the cultural economy, it is imperative that we learn to experiment more, be less worried about final outcomes; and share and celebrate ‘failure’ in a similar way to the technology community.”
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