Inquiry into Scotland's External Affairs Policy
An External Affairs Inquiry has been launched by the Scottish Parliament’s Culture Committee (Culture Tourism, Europe & External Affairs Committee or ‘CTEEA’). The inquiry will examine how the Scottish Government’s external affairs policy should evolve, in the context of Brexit. The call for written views will close at 8.00pm on 21 June 2019.
Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh
The Scottish Government’s current approach to external relations includes;
Information on all of the above can be found on the CTEEA Inquiry web page.
Call For Views
The Committee’s external affairs inquiry will have two distinct strands;
Engaging with the European Union
Engagement with the rest of the world
More detail can be found on the Committee’s Webpage. The call for written views will close at 8.00pm on 21 June 2019. The committee also ask you use the data protection form provided as a template to format your submission.