Game On: Supporting Scotland's Games Industry
The Cross Party Group on Creative Economy encourages the exchange of ideas and learning around the development and support of the future creative economy. The group will consider support for creative economy in Scotland, exploring barriers to success and highlighting any potential solutions.
Convenor: Claire Baker MSP
Secretariat: Culture Counts
This meeting of the group will focus on the Scottish Games Industry.
Speakers TBC
MSP Members of the group are:
Claire Baker MSP (Convener)
Sarah Boyack MSP
Foysol Choudhury MSP
Maurice Golden MSP
Michael Marra MSP
Jenni Minto (Deputy Convener)
Mercedes Villalba MSP
Beatrice Wishart MSP
PS We're not allowed back in the Parliament yet, though once we are, we aim for you to be able to choose to attend in person or online.
Registration is now open to members on Eventbrite.
Cross-Party Groups are open to anyone in the sector; if you have not signed up already, here’s the membership form.