What is your approach to fair work?
Part of: Resources / Funding Application Resources
If you write funding applications for cultural organisations, you may be asked questions about fair work. This guide lists what actions you can take and how to describe what you do.
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The Scottish government are looking to implement fair work practices across the Scottish economy, as part of a wider move towards a wellbeing economy. Fair work is “Work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. It balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers.”
Below are recommendations for the implementation of fair work practices in the Scottish culture sector and links to further information and resources.
Contractual stability should be a core employer objective. Forms of flexible working where the burden of risk falls disproportionately on workers (including most zero hours contracts) are not fair work.
Eliminate use of zero-hours contracts
Supply contracts for all freelance work
Rates of Pay
Recommendations include that pay transparency and defensibility should be a core objective.
This can be achieved by:
Advertising salaries with jobs
In instances where they apply, paying union rates or higher
In instances where union rates do not apply, pay employees at least the Real Living Wage
Union rates are minimum rates. Pay minimum union rates and in many cases higher.
Effective Voice
Effective voice is much more than having a communication channel available within an organisation. It requires a safe environment where dialogue and challenge are central to the organisational culture, are dealt with constructively, and where employee views are sought out, listened to and acted upon, and can make a difference.
Ensure and support widespread awareness and understanding of employment rights.
Adopt behaviours, practices and a culture that supports effective voice and embed this across the sector
Investment in Workforce Development
Effective workforce development involves employers providing opportunities for their staff at all levels of the organisation and should be a shared responsibility and shared commitment between the employer and workers. Everyone should be able to engage in lifelong learning.
Staff are supported to keep their professional qualifications up-to-date.
Learning & development opportunities are provided, and regularly reviewed, to help build the organisation's resilience and responsiveness to change.