We have culture pros, MSPs and outside organisations in a room... What do you want to talk about?
A Cross-Party Group (CPG) is an opportunity for Members of all parties, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest. We've launched a survey letting you have your say on future the topics of the CPG on Culture.
The Collective Voice of Scotland's Cultural Sector.
If you've never been to a CPG before, it's a meeting held at the Scottish Parliament. They provide an opportunity for Members of all parties, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest in a particular subject. There is a CPG on Culture which meets on topic relevant to the cultural sector.
"We've used a survey platform called 'Typeform' which actually makes taking surveys quite tolerable."
We've set up a survey to gather ideas for future CPG on Culture topics. There are only 4 questions which took me 3 minutes to complete. This is a chance for you to decide what the sector discusses with MSPs and outside organisations. We've used a new platform called Typeform which actually makes taking survey's quite tolerable. You can read more about the CPG on Culture on the website - or on twitter using #CPGCulture.
If you have any questions please get in touch. And please share the survey after you've comleted it, the more diverse an input we get the more useful this will be.