Lobbying Register: Important Information for Culture, Advocacy & Lobbying

This is not legal advice. This blog post is to inform culture organisations in Scotland where they can find relevant information about the Lobbying Register Scotland.

Lobbying allows organisations and individuals to inform and influence decision-makers. It's an important part of how policy is made. At Culture Counts we communicate with MSPs and Scottish Government ministers. We know lots of other culture organisations do this too.

The Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016 brought into effect a new Lobbying Register. This new register requires organisations to record any 'Regulated Lobbying' they do.

When is Lobbying 'Regulated Lobbying'?

The Act uses the term 'Regulated Lobbying' to describe conversations you must record in the Lobbying Register. Regulated lobbying is lobbying when it takes place face-to-face with:

  • Members of Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

  • Members of the Scottish Government (including the Scottish Law Officers)

  • Junior Scottish Ministers

  • Scottish Government Special Advisers

The Lobbying Register Team at The Scottish Parliament has published this guide which includes 5 key steps below. The full Lobbying Register Parliamentary Guidance document is available here.



If the above sounds like the sort of work your organisation undertakes, you should consider creating an account on the Lobbying Register.

The guidance recommends that organisations use a generic email address (such as admin@website.com or lobbying@website.com) to set-up their account.

For information about Registering and how to submit Information Returns, please refer to the Lobbying Register Guidance here.

When is a conversation not 'Regulated Lobbying'?

Remember the register is only for 'face-to-face' lobbying (that includes video calls). It's not for letters or emails.

Another point to consider is; if a conversation is with an MSP who represents the constituency or region where you live or where your company/organisation is based or ordinarily operates within, this may not be Regulated Lobbying. 

There are 13 exemptions which you can in the Parliamentary Guidance online here

Where is the register?

The Lobbying Register site is www.lobbying.scot. All Information Returns to the register are public. You'll need to register an account in the first instance, You also have 6 months to record any Regulated Lobbying you do after that date.

More information.

Parliamentary Guidance on Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016
Lobbying Register
Lobbying Register Information Leaflet

Contact the Lobbying Register Team below with any questions.

0131 348 5408


Legal Disclaimer: Our blog is deigned to introduce you to the bill and to remind you to consider if you need to register. It is not advice in terms of how your organisation should or should not comply with the new legislation. We strongly encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with the official guidance; available here and to take legal advice as required.