Letter from Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development

Culture Counts wrote to Jenny Gilruth MSP, Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development in late November 2021. Our letter shared outcomes from a recent meeting of Senscot and Culture Counts members on problems accessing community space.

We gratefully received a reply on 11 January 2022 which can be read in full below. To reduce energy consumption, please only download the PDF if you have to.

Dear Jennifer,

Many thanks for your letter of 23rd November, setting out the learning from your recent meeting with Culture Counts and Senscot members. It was very helpful to hear directly from you on the challenges community groups are facing, please accept my apology for the delay in responding to your letter.

As I’m sure you’ll understand, the greater uncertainty from the Omicron variant may mean that schools and third sector organisations need to continue to take a cautious approach for the foreseeable future and I recognise that these are hugely challenging times for Scotland’s local authorities’ cultural and leisure services. The Scottish Government recognises the value of libraries to local communities and believes that everyone should have access to library services. I share your concerns regarding libraries that have not yet reopened, or are not reopened fully.

Please be assured that I recognise the importance of these issues for community groups. I have asked my officials to explore the concerns and proposals you raise in further detail with the relevant teams in the Scottish Government. Given the detail in your letter I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss these issues. Please contact my Private Office (MinisterCEID@gov.scot) who will arrange a suitable time.

Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.

Yours sincerely

Jenny Gilruth

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