Making Research & Evaluation Count
The new Centre for Cultural Value wants your input to better understand how, collectively, we can capture and evidence the power of culture and creativity to make a difference to people's lives.
The Centre for Cultural Value, based at University of Leeds and has a UK-wide remit, works to develop a shared understanding of the differences that arts, culture and heritage make to people’s lives and to society. The Centre has launched a survey exploring use of evaluation and research in the arts, culture and heritage sector.
“By completing its 20-minute survey, you’ll generate insights into how you currently use evaluation and research in your work and how the Centre can best support the arts, culture and heritage sector in the future. ”
Take part in Centre for Cultural Value's survey and share your learning and experiences of research and evaluation in the arts culture heritage sector. The survey and more information is available here. The survey is open until Friday the 29th May.