Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Impact Survey


Completing this survey will help Culture Counts to communicate the needs of the sector due to the impact of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), to decision-makers in government and in parliament. The survey will remain open until May 2020. You can make multiple responses as guidance and situations change. We'll review your responses once per week.

This survey is for organisations and individuals in Scotland's arts, screen, heritage & creative industries. We have kept this survey as open as possible to understand the unique impacts on the cultural sector. Respondents may wish to consider updates to government guidance. The Scottish Government webpage for Coronavirus updates is -

We'll share your responses with our Steering Group so that they can take part in informed advocacy on your behalf, unless you ask us not to.

We'll feed back to you as soon as we can; meantime remember that you can contact your funding body (if you have one) to discuss your situation; Creative Scotland for example have launched a special email address for enquires

Any questions about the survey please contact You can fill out the survey below, or follow the link to the Google Form.