Workplace Equality Fund

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Public and third sector arts organisations are now eligible for the The Workplace Equality Fund (WEF). The Fund aims to reduce employment inequalities.

Applicants should focus on one or more priority groups: minority ethnic people; disabled people; older workers (those aged over 50); people who experience gender based violence; and workers who are experiencing social isolation and/or loneliness; and women.

The Workplace Equality Fund (WEF) works with employers to address long standing barriers particular groups face in entering and progressing in the labour market so that everyone in Scotland has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. The Scottish Government is keen to ensure that the economy is representative of society, and focus on delivering inclusive economic growth.
— Impact Funding Partners

Applicants can apply for up to £50’000. The fund will be manged by Impact Funding Partners for 2019/20, with applications closing on Wednesday 28 August 2019.

NewsLori Anderson