Finance Committee Invites Views on Scottish National Investment Bank
The Finance and Constitution Committee has launched a call for views on the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Financial Memorandum.
Image © Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
More info;
This is a Bill for an Act of the Scottish Parliament to require the establishment of the Scottish National Investment Bank
The Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee was designated the lead Committee for Stage 1 scrutiny.
The committee has opened a call for views. You can submit written evidence until Friday 26 April 2019.
“the (..) Committee invites written evidence on the estimated financial implications of the Bill as set out in its accompanying Financial Memorandum (FM)”
The Bill is for an Act of the Scottish Parliament to require the establishment of the Scottish National Investment Bank and to make further provision in connection with that body.
This Scottish Government Bill was introduced by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work, Derek Mackay MSP, on 27 February 2019.
The Bill can be read on the Parliament website.
You can read the call for views here. The deadline for written evidence in Friday 26 April 2019.
Note from the committee
Please use the template provided on the website to respond, and ensure you complete the first page, which is a mandatory data protection form.
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